JUST IN: Stetson Bennett is criticized for his inconsistent performance during the preseason.


Stetson Bennett didn’t precisely look NFL-prepared during Sunday’s preseason game, and he took a ton of intensity for it via web-based entertainment.

Bennett tossed four capture attempts against the Dallas Ranchers in his preseason presentation, and they were quite appalling.

The fourth came on what gave off an impression of being a terrible perused, an awful choice, and an underthrown pass. Naturally, Bennett was the target of numerous memes, many of which suggested that it was time for a new career and that he benefited from Georgia’s elite supporting cast.

Regardless of everything, Bennett really drove the Rams on a game-dominating drive that included a phenomenal sidearm score pass on fourth down.

Bennett’s last detail line was a wild one. He went 24/38 for 224 yards with one score and four captures.

It’s difficult to envision the Rams will be alright with that, however he can essentially say he dominated the match. Presently 27, Bennett is falling off a year away because of his psychological wellness and is basically fighting to be the group’s third quarterback.

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